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How to Make Your Own Finger Puppets

Learn how to create your own handmade finger puppets and put on your own puppet show!

What you need:

  • Paper

  • Tracing paper

  • Pencil

  • Scissors

  • Sheets of felt
    (you can get felt from places like Warehouse Stationary or Spotlight)

  • Glue
    (PVA if you are patient, otherwise hot glue is faster but also messier)

  • Needle and thread and a safety pin

  • Googly eyes, beads or other decorations of your choice (optional)

What to do

  1. Draw the finger puppet outline; this should be at least 4cm wide and 6cm tall.
    Tip: To make sure it’s the right size, hold your finger up to your outline - there should be enough space on your puppet shape so that it will still fit around your finger after you have sewn the edges down.

  2. Decide which character you want to make. Use a photo to help you to draw a simple version of your character inside the puppet outline.
    Tip: Draw only the most distinctive features of your character so that the next steps are easy.

  3. Using tracing paper you can now trace and transfer all of the different parts of your character onto a fresh sheet of paper.

  4. Label the inside of each of the parts of your puppet template to show which colour felt they need to be.

  5. Cut out your homemade paper templates.
    Tip: Now you have made your own templates you can keep them in an envelope to use again.

  6. One by one, trace around each of your template shapes onto the corresponding sheet of felt. Then, cut out your felt shapes carefully.

  7. Arrange your felt shapes to plan how your character will look on the front and the back.

  8. Use hot or PVA glue to stick the felt pieces on.
    We stuck on googly eyes for the Morepork, but you can also sew on bead eyes.

  9. Secure the front to the back of the puppet with a safety pin. Next, sew around the edges of your puppet so that the back and the front are joined and there is space for your finger to fit inside.
    Don’t forget to leave the bottom open for your finger!

  10. Ta da! Your Puppet is complete! Make a few more, or get friends and family to make some too. Then, put on a puppet show!

How to put on a puppet show:

Here are a few things you will need for a puppet show…

  • Finger Puppet Theatre
    You need a space that you can hide behind while your puppets move about. Get creative using a couch or table with a table cloth you can hide behind.

  • Story
    Decide what your show will be about; is it a comedy show? A play? A Musical or something else?

  • Sound Effects
    Play with items around the house to see what different sounds you can create that will make the show even more entertaining.

  • Voice
    Have fun trying different voices or sounds for your puppet to see which suits them best.

If you don’t like the idea of a live audience you could use a camera to film short puppet shows, edit and then reveal your creation later. Have fun!