YOUR Perfect Pets
Pixie Blake (7), Hamilton
This is my puppy François.
He is a French bulldog. He is 5 months old.
I love him so much and can’t wait to spend Christmas with him for the first time.
Chantal Batchelor (6), Christchurch
This is my cat Noodle.
He is fluffy and kind and brave.
He sleeps with me every night and follows me around all day.
Phoebe Smailes (5), Whakatane
This is my naughty pet labrador Suki!
She is nearly a year old and is very greedy. She will do anything for food. Sometimes she stands up on the benche!.
But she is also super cute and cuddly. I always miss her when we go on trips..
Emelia Fowler (10), Pukekawa
Last week I went to my horse riding lesson and got to try 'Liberty training' with a horse named India.
She is a 15.1 hands high, chestnut, 22-year-old mare.
'Liberty' means training the horse without a halter or even a rope!
I was able to get India to follow me around the arena for a long time. We went in and out of cones and on and off ramps both forwards and backwards. Mostly we walked together but sometimes when I ran she trotted next to me.
India is amazing and I recommend to any equine lovers to try Liberty training.
Sophie Cornish (11), Gore
This is Luna, she is a golden retriever. She is my cousin Paige's dog but she comes to stay for a week for us to look after.
She is very beautiful and loves to play with her toys with me. She likes to go on walks too and swim in the river.
She is just a young dog, I think maybe 8 months old.
Luna is a very cool dog and I really liked having her come stay with us while my cousin was in Wellington.
Caylee Zhao (7), Mount Albert
We just adopted a dog from SPCA shelter. Her name is Lara, and she is a 5-month-old staff cross.
She loves to bite my dad and my shoes. I have lost two jandals since she came to my house. So I told my mum that I would love to have a new jandal for my birthday next month.
Lara is so naughty sometimes, but I still love her so much.
Keara Rumble (9), Hastings
This is my dog Bo. He likes to dribble all over the ground and he loves to sit where mum needs to walk!
He’s 11 years old and loves going on walks with me and my friends.
Every time we come home he barks at us because he’s so excited to see us.
Kayden Davey (12), Taranaki
This is my cat Midnight. You can always catch him laying like this. I call him a vampire cat!
Hannah Simpson (10), Taupo
This is my dog named Holly. She is 11 years old.
Holly is a golden retriever and she is very obedient.
When she was a puppy she did a lot of silly things, for instance, drag toilet paper down the hallway.
I love Holly a lot, she is the best dog ever!
Sophie Palmer (3), Nelson
This is me with my best friend Toby.
We have lots of fun together playing with his ball.
Ellen Elliott (9), Oamaru
This year we got to look after lambs! None have names but a few have nicknames.
Jacket is the one that we put in a lamb coat-like thing because he looked unwell, but he’s still alive.
We also nicknamed one Horse because it is quite big for a lamb.
We have 15 lambs today and this is how we looked after them after we got them… the first thing we did was take them inside where they slept the first night or longer depending on how healthy they looked. Then, they went to the shed and after a week we put them in a field where they are today.
Dean Collins (12), Ngatea
“Hi Upstart, I have two dogs that I have to routinely take out for walks and feed and bathe.
The big one is grey and black and is very well trained and I trained him every day. For a while, he went to behaviour classes.
The white one is very active and loves attention. Her hair requires lots of cleaning and grooming and I have to look after her. She is very active so I have to take her for lots of walks!”
Cody Griffiths (13) Tawa
This is our cat, Bradley. He is a very tough cat, and he harasses our dog and likes to go out at night.
He gets into fights though so we try to make him stay in.
Harriet Jurd (7), Cockle Bay
We have a pet dog called Nash.
When he sees a cat he just sits!
Nash is a Kelpie.
Harlee Laing (2), Whatawhata
I have been helping to feed the lambs at the cafe near my house. They have a bottle 2 times a day. I love lambs.
Lucy Cornish (12), Gore
In October we saved some ducklings.
We had to take really good care of them by feeding them every day and making sure their house was clean.
My sisters and I would give them lots of cuddles to make them friendly.
This week they were old enough to release as they are just about ready to fly.
I hope they come back to visit once they learn to fly but I also hope that they can go see some cool places like the river on my dad’s farm.
Anahera Waldrom-Gotty (7), Auckland
This is Teddy the turtle. She likes to swim and play with me.
She is my pet rock and she has hexagons on her shell.
Rayne T.N. (8), Levin
I have a really cute bunny. Her name is Sunday. I love her with my whole heart, like my family. I always feed her and give her respect.
She is very kind and respectful.
She likes to eat carrots, lettuce, cabbage, and bunny food.
Past Perfect Pets contributions from readers…
Ava Page (5), New Plymouth
This is my cat, Leo. When I got sick he jumped on me on the couch and slept with me all day to look after me.
Isobelle Clark (6), Lincoln
This is my dog, Lulu. She is 14 weeks old and still a puppy.
Puppies don’t know anything so we have to be very patient with her and teach her everything like where to go to the toilet, what toys she can play with and what she can’t play with - like my shoes!!
She is a little silly sometimes and got stuck in her toy box and couldn’t get out! Mum had to lift her out.
Candace Barriball (13), Waikato
This is one of my dogs. She is a girl and her name is Jess.
We live on a farm, so when I go for a walk or go with mum or dad down the farm she comes for a run.
One day it was so fun because she was running after a cow and the cow ran so fast away from Jess!
Matthew Gamble (7), Porirua
I went with my Dad to help collect firewood. We found a baby rabbit curled up in the pile of wood.
I was able to hold the rabbit and then we let it go.
It was very small and fluffy. It was so awesome.
Oliver Harnett (10), Rangiora
My cat Maddie died last month because she was very sick.
She was my pet from when I turned 5yrs old and I had to show I could be very responsible to get here.
She used to sleep in my bed every night cuddled up by my face, but then she got sick and didn’t anymore.
When she died I went and got a teddy cat that looked like her with my money and then my mum brought one too so I have 2 teddies to remind me of her.
Ruth McClutchie (3), Marton
This is my dog Sugar playing at the park.
Lilly Taylor (12), Waipawa
This is my amazing dog Milly she is a Miniature Schnauzer, and she just had puppies… they are adorable.
She Loves going for walks and cuddles. And she adores cold chicken.
Mila Edwards (6), Auckland
I would really like a hedgehog for a pet.
It would be prickly but friendly.
Olivia Fowler (8), Taukau
Hi Upstart, We got some new cows… 6 of them!
My favourite is called Cora. She is so sweet. She loves rubs on the head and apples.
She is the perfect pet for me.
Patrick Driver (8), Auckland
This is my cat Poppy.
She is cute and cuddly.
My mum and dad got her before I was born. She did not like me at first but then we started to like each other better and better. Now we can have big hugs and kisses.
Jack Skyes (4), Christchurch
This is my bunny, Milo.
Ayla Therkleson (5), Hastings
This is my kitten Pumpkin. We adopted her from the SPCA.
She enjoys rides in my doll pram.
I love her and she sleeps on my bed.
Amelia Sievers (11), Silverdale
This is my puppy who is called Pippen.
He is a Spoodle and is very smart.
He has just learnt how to open doors in our house if the door is closed.
We have also taught him how to bark when we say 'speak' which is quite funny.
He is very cute.
Keira Arnold (6), Manukau
Daisy is one year old.
She is cute and fluffy, she is also fuzzy and furry.
Daisy is fun to play with. She is black and white.
Daisy is my brother’s pet.
Daisy has a hutch and she likes grass. Sometimes I put her in the pram like a baby.
She likes to play with balloons but she always pops them.
She is as fast as a shooting star.
Eva McHardy (12), Auckland
My cat caught a bird. It was not moving when I picked it up and put it in a shoe box with some newspaper, a bird feed (I have feed for wild birds for my bird feeder) and some water.
About 2 hours later I heard it scratching and moving a bit.
I left it for another couple of hours and then it poked its head out the shoe box.
I took it outside and opened the box, it sat for a bit then flew up to the tree. Then it flew off.
I was very happy it survived.
(The photo is when I let it go)
Orlaith O’Brien (9), Christchurch
I have two dogs called Maisie and Murphy.
They love cuddles and kisses.
The other day my dad told me that he thinks that Maisie is pregnant.
Imogen Beagley (11), Ngatea
This is my cat Caesar, he is one year old and loves to play games.
Sometimes you can even throw a ball and he will chase it.
Caesar also loves to sleep, when he is not playing games he is on someone’s bed sleeping. Another thing he will do is rollover. Caesar will rollover and stay halfway so you will rub his belly.
He is either asleep or super playful.
Charlie Lynn (12), Taupo
This is my beautiful pony Honey.
She is nearly 20 years old but still has lots of energy and loves to play games and jump.
Recently, she got a cool clip so she won't get too sweaty when I ride in winter.
Joshua Pickering (13), Rangiora
We got our cats from the SPCA.
They are called Katniss and Peeta.
Mum says they are double trouble like me.
They are fun to have around to play with and love treats.
Brylee Abbott (2) Tauranga
Our neighbour gave us a swan plant branch and we looked after 2 caterpillars that hatched into monarch butterflies.
I watched my mum let it fly away.
Danielle Jang (10), Wellington
This is my dog and he is called Spot.
He has a huge spot on his tummy.
His hometown is Huntervill and his breed is a Jack Russell and a fox terrier (Jack Russell terrier).
He LOVES playing running and treats.
My family got him when I was 4yrs old. He is 6 and a 1/2.
Kaia Davis (5), Manly
This is my dog Scout. She is a golden retriever.
I like to dress her up and put make-up on her and she loves it.
She is good at cuddling and doing tricks, and sometimes she does funny things like chase her tail.
Sophie Cornish (11), Gore
I have a dog, his name is Bear.
He knows how to shake hands!
Esme Smailes (4), Whakatane
This is my black Labrador Suki.
We got her about a month ago. She is cute cheeky and really funny! She loves chasing her tail!
Eliza Lucas (8), Wellington
I love my pet cat Darryn. He is so cute and really fluffy.
He loves his food and his warm cosy bed.
One of his favourite games is to knock over cups of water!
Gracelyn Ruddenklau (10), Omaru
My pet is Smidge and she is a possum.
We first found her when she was about 1 month old and she was just a baby. Back then our family hated possums as they are pests.
When Smidge was a baby, Mum had to carry Smidge around in a scarf and hat while she did her work.
We feed Smidge evaporated milk because possums are lactose intolerant and we feed her with a dropper.
As Smidge grew bigger she needed a bigger home so first, we put her in an old rabbit hutch, then a big aviary. Then she started escaping from there so now she lives freely outside.
The cool thing is she comes back every night for food.
Her favourite is grapes and fruitybix.
Hunter Sheddan (11), Torbay
This is Skylar our cat. She is a sphynx and 1 year old.
Upstart says:
Sphynx cats have a naturally occurring genetic mutation that makes them appear hairless. They still have fine hairs, which makes their skin feel like leather, but they don’t have long fur like most other cat breeds.
Lachlan McHardy (9), Auckland
This is my Aunty and Uncle’s goat Dorito.
I love animals and going to their place as they have a goat, 2 cows, a dog, 2 cats and 6 chickens - I love going to visit their place and we might get some chickens too.
They have a big farm so are very lucky.
Dorito is a super friendly goat.
Izzy Skyes (9), Christchurch
This is my mini lop rabbit Honey. She turned one on the 27th of May! Happy birthday, Honey!
Rabbits are very cute but they need lots of looking after. They need lots of space and you need to feed them properly.
When she is happy she does lots of really high jumps, this is called binkies and looks really crazy. If you are in her way she will pull on your clothes to move you.
She likes to eat bananas and carrots but these are “treat” foods and she can only have a little bit of them at a time.
She mostly eats hay (80% of her diet) and some pellets and greens.
She is very smart and likes to dig for her food.
She loves cardboard boxes to nibble on and hide inside.
She’s my best friend, I love her so much!
Archie (13), Wellington
This is my cat Ngaio.
He’s very cute and once got his claw stuck in a blanket, but we helped him and he shook it free.
He is very cuddly.
I’m not shy, I love my cat Ngaio.
Luca Blakely (10), Havelock North
Hey Upstart! This is our 8-week-old chocolate lab.
We do not know what to call him but it might be Bear.
Harper Reid (7), Tauranga
Here is a picture of me with our foster kitten Storm.
We have been fostering kittens to learn how to love, feed, play and clean up after them.
By fostering, we learn how much hard work pets can be but they can also be so much fun.
Today we had to give them to their new forever homes and it was very, very sad and hard, but we can’t keep them all or there wouldn’t be room for us. So, I’m glad someone else gets to love them like we do!
Olivia Little (12), Invercargill
This is my dog Buddy who is a border collie and loves treats, visits to the dog park, and Mum walks.
Jaan and Jes Jewell, Raglan
We have a cat called Flashy. His full name is Lightening Flash.
We recently found out from our neighbour that every day at the same time, Flashy goes to their house and visits their cat to play, and cuddles with him too! They sent us this picture.
Flashy is the black one and the neighbour's cat is grey.
We're so happy that Flashy has a friend!
Riley Jeffray (2), Ohope
This is my pet pony Star. She is a miniature pony and loves being brushed.
Lachie Bond (8), Tirau
This is our family kitten called Theo. He is a Maine Coon and is 6 months old. He will probably grow to be the size of a small dog!
He loves chasing flies and going outside for a walk.